1. Genetic Biotechnologies in the Fishery Sector, 2. Functional Genomics, 3. Research and Development of Appropriate\nGenetic Biotechnologies for the Fishery Sector., 4. Genotype and Its Symbols, 5. Genomics, Immunology and Diseases in Non\nSalmonid Fish ., 6. Algal Biotechnology in Aquaculture, 7. ..
1. Introduction, 2. The Marine Working Environment, 3. The Offshore and Sea Environmental Problems, 4. The Seafood Structures, 5. Moorings and Anchors Towing and Diving, 6. The Offshore Wind Power, 7. The Offshore Piling, 8. Oil Platform, 9. Submarine Pipeline, 10. Subsea Technology, 11. Breakwater,..